Publish Blog Posts
In our digital era, mobile apps are essential, meeting our needs with just a tap. Yet, the importance of blogs within apps is often overlooked. Blogs provide valuable content and updates, enhancing user experience and fostering engagement.
In this Article
Why integrating blogs into mobile apps is crucial?
Blogs in mobile apps are more than just words on a screen; they're your direct line to educating and engaging customers while boosting Average Order Value (AOV).
Here's why they matter:
- Educational Content: Blogs provide a platform to educate customers about your products. Whether it's updates, features, or tips, they keep customers informed and eager to learn more.
- Customer Engagement: Offering insightful and relevant content in your app's blog section encourages regular interaction. This builds a strong bond between the customer and your app, fostering a sense of community.
- Building Trust: Through blogs, you can showcase your expertise and establish authority in your industry. Consistent delivery of valuable content builds trust among customers, making your app a credible source.
- Increasing AOV: Engaging blog content keeps users coming back for more. By offering educational articles, industry insights, or entertaining stories, you can inspire users to explore more within your app, ultimately increasing Average Order Value.
How to access Blog Posts?
Before you begin, make sure to turn on the Blog Personalized feature in the Features tab. You can refer to this article to learn more.
Step 1: Under Sales channels, navigate to the Online Store and click on Blog posts
How to Publish Blogs?
Please make sure to save the entered data on each step by clicking on "Save" in the top right corner of your screen every time you make a new entry or make changes to the existing entry.
Step 1: On the screen, select "Create blog post"
Step 2: Enter the Blog Title
Step 3: Now enter the Blog Content
Step 4: Choose the blog visibility
Please note that you can choose to set the Visibility dates for your blog.
Step 5: Add the Excerpt
The Excerpt is the summary of the post to appear on your home page or blog.
Step 6: Edit website SEO
Step 7: Upload the desired image you want for the Blog
Step 8: Enter the Blog Author
Step 9: Create a new Blog by entering the blog title
P.S. If you have an existing blog, you can choose to use the existing one or create a new one.
Step 10: Add the relevant Tags
Step 11: Select the Theme template and save
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us at
Happy selling!