Customer Acquisition Insights


In the world of mobile apps, knowing certain numbers is super important for doing well. Things like how many times your app has been downloaded, getting new customers, and keeping track of how people use your app are all key. These numbers give us really helpful info about how well your app is doing and what you can do to make it even better.

In this Article

  1. Total Downloads
  2. Users
  3. New Users
  4. Sessions
  5. Sign up Journey
  6. Login Journey

Total Downloads

Total Downloads refers to the cumulative number of times customers have downloaded and redownloaded the mobile app

Why is it important?

Tracking total downloads helps businesses understand the popularity of their mobile app as well as measure the success of marketing efforts aimed at driving app installations.


Users represent the total number of unique customers who visited your mobile app. This metric provides insights into the size of the app's customer base.

Why is it important?

Monitoring users helps businesses understand the app's reach and potential market penetration, which is crucial for evaluating your brand's growth and market share.

New Users

The number of users who interacted with your app for the first time.

Why is it important?

Tracking new user acquisition is essential for assessing the effectiveness of user acquisition strategies. Increasing the number of new users indicates successful efforts in attracting fresh audiences to your app.


A session is a period during which a user interacts with your app. Each session starts when a customer opens the app.

Why is it important?

Monitoring session data helps businesses understand customer engagement levels. This metric can reveal how often customers interact with the app, and the days they are most active.

Sign Up Journey

Sign Up Journey represents the complete process of the user's sign-up on your mobile app while calculating the conversion rate of each step.

Why is it important?

Analyzing the sign-up journey helps identify potential friction in the sign-up process. Optimizing the sign-up journey can lead to higher conversion rates and improved customer retention.

Login Journey

Login Journey represents the complete process of the user's login on your mobile app while calculating the conversion rate of each step.

Why is it important?

Monitoring the login journey helps assess the ease of access to the login process. Optimizing the login journey can enhance customer experience, streamline access to app features, and reduce barriers to engagement.

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