App Analytics Events Overview

In this Article

  1. App Open
  2. Sign Up
  3. Login
  4. Collection and Product Interaction Events
  5. Cart and Checkout Events
  6. Subscription Events
  7. Search Event

App Open Event

  1. App Open This event is triggered when a user opens the mobile app.

Event parameters:

  • platform

Sign Up Event

  1. Sign Up: This event occurs when a user registers or creates a new account on the app or website.

Event parameters:

  • platform

Login in Event

  1. Login: This event happens when a user logs into their account on the app or website

Event parameters:

  • platform

Collection and Product Interaction Events

  1. Collection Viewed: This event is triggered when a user views a collection of products, such as a category page on a website

Event parameters:

  • collection id
  • collection title
  • platform

  1. Product Viewed: This event occurs when a user views a specific product's detail page

Event parameters:

  • price
  • product handle
  • product title
  • platform
  • variant_id
  • product id

  1. Product Added to Cart: This event happens when a user adds a product to their shopping cart

Event parameters:

  • variant id
  • product id
  • platform
  • quantity
  • product title
  • price

  1. Product Removed from Cart: This event is triggered when a user removes a product from their shopping cart

Event parameters:

  • price
  • product title
  • platform
  • product id
  • quantity
  • variant id

  1. Product Added to Wishlist: This event occurs when a user adds a product to their wishlist

Event parameters:

  • product title
  • variant id
  • quantity
  • platform
  • product id
  • price

  1. Product Removed from Wishlist: This event happens when a user removes a product from their wishlist

Event parameters:

  • price
  • product id
  • platform
  • quantity
  • variant id
  • product title

Cart and Checkout Events

  1. Cart Viewed: This event is triggered when a user views their shopping cart

Event parameters:

  • platform

  1. Discount Applied to Cart: This event occurs when a discount or promotional code is applied to the shopping cart

Event parameters:

  • items
    • index
    • quantity
    • product id
    • variant id
    • price
    • product title
  • discount code
  • platform
  • currency
  • value

  1. Checkout Initiated: This event happens when a user starts the checkout process

Event parameters:

  • discount code
  • items
    • product id
    • quantity
    • variant id
    • product title
    • index
    • price
  • platform
  • currency
  • value

  1. Shop Pay Checkout Initiated: This event is triggered specifically when a user starts the checkout process using Shop Pay

Event parameters:

  • platform
  • items
    • variant id
    • product title
    • price
    • product id
    • quantity
    • index
  • currency
  • value

  1. Order Placed: This event occurs when a user completes a purchase and places an order

Event parameters:

  • discount code
  • items
    • product id
    • quantity
    • variant id
    • product title
    • index
    • price
  • platform
  • currency
  • value

Subscription Events

  1. Subscription Skipped: This event is triggered when a user skips a subscription delivery

Event parameters:

  • subscription app
  • subscription charge id
  • platform

  1. Subscription Unskipped: This event occurs when a user unskips a previously skipped subscription delivery

Event parameters:

  • subscription charge id
  • subscription app
  • platform

  1. Subscription Date Changed: This event happens when a user changes the date of their subscription delivery

Event parameters:

  • subscription id
  • subscription app
  • platform

  1. Subscription Products Swapped: This event is triggered when a user swaps one product for another in their subscription

Event parameters:

  • subscription app
  • platform
  • subscription id

  1. Subscription Added to Upcoming Delivery: This event occurs when a user adds a new product to an upcoming subscription delivery

Event parameters:

  • subscription app
  • platform
  • subscription id

  1. One-Time Added to Upcoming Delivery: This event happens when a user adds a one-time purchase product to their upcoming subscription delivery

Event parameters:

  • subscription app
  • platform
  • subscription id

  1. Subscription Cancelled: This event is triggered when a user cancels their subscription

Event parameters:

  • subscription app
  • platform
  • subscription id

  1. Subscription Activated: This event occurs when a user activates a new subscription

Event parameters:

  • platform
  • subscription id
  • subscription app

Search Event

  1. Search Initiated: This event happens when a user initiates a search, typically by entering a query into a search bar

Event parameters:

  • search term
  • platform

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Happy selling!

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