Utilize Engage Tab for Engagement


Welcome to the Engage Tab on your Shop2App Dashboard. Gain insights into how users interact with your platform, measure engagement levels, and track revenue performance all in one place.

In this Article

  1. How to Access the Engage tab?
  2. How to Compose Messages for your Customers ?
  3. Configure Push Notifications

How to Access the Engage tab?

To access the engage tab simply navigate to Sales Channel and select Shop2App dashboard, under mobile app builder navigate to the Engage tab to access. 

How to Compose Messages for your Customers ?

Step 1: Enter your Title. 

Step 2: Enter subtitle (Please note that this feature is available for iOS users only right now.)

Step 3: Upload the desired image you want.

Step 4: Select the Action type (Action you want your customers to perform.)

Refer to "What are Different Action Types for CTA's?" for better understanding.

Step 5: Schedule the Delivery time. 

  • Immediately: You can choose to send the message immediately.
  • Specific Time: You can choose to schedule the message for a specific time in the format dd/mm/yy.

Configure Push Notifications

Step 1: You can configure Push Notifications on the Scheduled Message screen. To configure, simply click on "Configure" and it will redirect you to the "Integrations" tab.

Step 2: Then navigate to the Marketing and Push Notifications section and select the suitable app integration, for example, Klaviyo.

Step 3: Configure and turn on the integration.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us at help@shop2app.com.

Happy selling!

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