How to Display Product Info on PDP via Metafields


Linking Metafields with Shop2App allows you to customize and enhance the data displayed in your mobile app PDPs. By integrating Shopify’s metafields with Shop2App, you can create a more personalized and dynamic shopping experience for your customers, showcasing specific product details and custom content. 

In this Article 

  1. Creating Metafields for PDP (Product Detail Page)
  2. Linking Metafields with Shop2App
  3. Populating Metafields on the Shopify Dashboard
  4. Preview of PDP Metafields

Creating Metafields for PDP

Step 1: Go to Sales channels and select Mobile App Builder - Shop2app

Step 2: On the bottom left corner, go to "Settings"

Step 3: Now go to Custom Data and select "Products"

Step 4: Click on “Add definition” to create a new metafield

Please note that you can choose from existing metafields available and skip this step.

Step 5: Now add the Name and Description

Please note that anything before the full stop is the Namespace, and anything after the full stop is the key

Step 6: Select the type "Multi-line text"

Step 7: Make sure to change the Storefronts access to "Read" and Save

Linking Metafields with Shop2App

Step 1: Under Mobile App Builder, navigate to the "Design" Tab

Step 2: Now go to PDP, under PDP select "Metafields" then click on "Add Metafield"

Step 3: Now enter the metafield Title, Namespace, and Key. The Title will be displayed on PDP in the mobile app. 

Refer to "How to get Product Namespace and Key for Custom Tabs" to get your Namespace and Key

Step 4: Select the metafield type as Vertical List or Tabular List and save

If you select the Vertical list, your PDP Metafields will look like the reference image given below

If you select the Tabular list, your PDP Metafields will look like the reference image given below

Populating Metafields on Shopify Product Dashboard

Step 1: On your Shopify dashboard, go to "Products"

Step 2: Select the product for which you want to populate Metafields 

Step 3: Scroll down to the Metafields section and click on the desired Metafield

Step 4: Add the details for the field and save

You can also add HTML text

Preview of PDP Metafields

Vertical List

Tabular List

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us at

Happy selling!

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