Configure PDP Blocks


PDP Blocks offer a streamlined way to customize your Product Display Page (PDP) across your entire product range. Instead of tweaking each PDP individually, PDP Blocks allow you to apply consistent elements to every product on your Mobile App.

In this Article 

  1. How to configure PDP Blocks?

How to configure PDP Blocks?

With PDP Blocks, you customize a single Product Display Page (PDP) that applies to all products available on the Mobile App.

Step 1: Under Mobile App Builder, navigate to the "Design" Tab

Step 2: Under PDP go to Blocks, and click on "Add Block"

Step 3: Select the Block and click on Add

Refer to this article to see how to configure different Block types

Step 4: Once you have successfully configured the block type, click on Save

Replicate the above steps to add multiple blocks for your PDP

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