How to Customise PDP using Shop2App Blocks

In this Article 

  1. Set up PDP Customiser
  2. Configure PDP Settings
  3. Configure Product Badges
  4. Preview Product Badges
  5. Customise PDP CTA

Set up PDP Customiser

With the PDP Customiser, you can create unique Product Display Pages (PDPs) for different products, tailored to specific requirements.

Step 1: Under Mobile App Builder, navigate to the "Design" Tab

Step 2: Now go to PDP, under PDP, select "Customiser"

Step 3: To choose the desired product click on "Customise". You will be redirected to the Configure PDP Customiser page

Step 4: Now, go to Settings on the bottom left corner of your screen

Step 5: Select Custom data, then select Products

Step 6: Now go to the metafield and enable Storefronts access to read access for all Shop2App: Custom Blocks 1 to 25 and save

Step 7: Now go back to the PDP Customiser and select "Add Custom Block 1"

Step 8: Select the Block and click on Add

Refer to this article to see how to configure different Block types

Step 9: Once you have successfully configured the block type, click on Save

Please note that you can add multiple Blocks for your PDP

Configure PDP Settings 

Step 1: Under PDP, go to Settings and select the feature(s) you wish to enable

Please note that these features are available in the Enterprise Plan Only

You can enable features such as:

  1. Show Description: This feature displays a detailed description on the Product Detail Page.
  2. Show Recommendations: This feature lets you include a section with recommended products on the Product Detail Page.
  3. Product Share: This feature enables the customers to share product links via the app.
  4. Vendor Name: This feature lets you show the vendor's name on the Product Detail Page.

Configure Product Badges

Step 1: Under PDP, go to Product Badges

Step 2: Now add Badge Prefixes

For displaying badges on products, tag them as follow: __label:BESTSELLER

Here __label: is the badge prefix and BESTSELLER is the badge that will show on products in app

Step 3: Select the Background color and Text Color

Step 4: Once configured click on Save

Preview Product Badges

Customise PDP CTA

This CTA feature lets you customize call-to-actions for tagged products on their PDP, delivering more engaging and relevant messaging to customers

Step 1: Under PDP, go to CTA

Step 2: Add the Tag(s)

Step 3: Enter the CTA Text

Step 4: Select the Action Type and save

Refer to this article to learn how different Action Types work.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us at

Happy selling!

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